Wall Ball Routine

Lacrosse player improving lacrosse skills by practicing using the wall ball method.  Player his holding a lacrosse stick, wearing a lacrosse helmet and facing a brick wall.


If you are on a brick wall, find the one brick that immediately returns the ball to your ear. If you are on a throwback, stand about 5-8 paces away and find the exact spot that will return right next to your ear. You can also place a piece of tape on that specific spot, so you have a visual target to aim for. Make sure your passes are direct without a floating trajectory; not only will this ensure proper skill development, but it will also maximize your time and repetitions. Be quick and efficient, but don’t rush it to the point where you’re inhibiting performance.

Bring an iPod or speakers to amp things up. Picture a rival player or team and imagine they are playing wall ball at the same time as you. Someone is always training harder than you, so make use of your time and get after it! Take breaks as needed, but try to push through the pain.

For the first workout, you must give yourself a benchmark and goal to hit; therefore, make sure you time yourself. This will not only implement a sense of urgency but also give you a concrete number to hit. You will need to time…

  1. Each individual right-handed exercise
  2. Each individual left-handed exercise
  3. The entire workout (all 20+ exercises)

Training Inquires

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ALL IN Lacrosse Wall Ball Workout

Ask yourself, how badly do you want it? The effort you put in directly reflects the results you will see.

Ok, let’s get after it.

  • Righty Regular (75) – quick cradle and a pass
  • Righty Quick Stick Far (100) – stand about 9 yards (strength + coordination)
  • Righty Quick Stick Close (100) – less reaction time, quicker touches
  • Righty Cross over throws (a.k.a. Canadian)
  • Passing and catching on the left side of your body the whole time (50)

Cross over to the left, but pass to the right of your body, catching on the right, cross over and repeat (50)

  • Righty one-handed (with a cradle) (30)
  • Righty one-handed quick stick (30)
  • Righty Cross over catch (75)

Throw to the left side of your body and catch a “bad pass” on your off-side

  • Lefty one-handed catch into righty pass (30)
  • More errant passes during draw controls, 50/50 balls

Throw the ball right, but to the left side of your body. Make sure it is higher and/or wider than usual, catch it one-handed lefty, and bring it in to repeat the process

  • Lefty one-handed catch + throw, two-handed righty catch (50)

Throw the ball right, but to the left side of your body. Make sure it is higher and/or wider than usual, catch it one-handed lefty, pass it back to the wall one-handed lefty, then catch it 2 handed righty.

  1. Righty over-the-shoulder catch, lefty pass (50)

Back is turned to the wall or throwback, start righty, hips are turned, feet do not move during the drill. Shovel passes to the wall and catches right-handed over the shoulder. Make sure you catch the ball in front of you (about a foot in front of your year), and soak the ball further away from your body).

  1. Righty over-the-shoulder catch, right flip pass back (50)

Back is turned to the wall, start lefty, hips are turned, feet do not move during the drill. Pass lefty, quickly switch to your right hand to catch over the shoulder righty. Then repeat.

  1. Right pass and switch.

Throw righty to the left side of your body, switch hands, and catch lefty, repeat (75)

  1. Throw right and catch right, switch hands, throw left and catch left, repeat (75)
  2. Alternating quick sticks (75)

Start it in your right hand, throw to the left side of your body, while the ball is hitting the wall and on its way back to you, switch to your left hand and quick stick it to the right side of your body, and repeat).

  1. Sidearm with cradle (100)

Pretend as if there is an opponent standing in front of you, reach around your opponent, and make a pass. Practice throwing to multiple planes (which will help you catch the ball on different planes).

  1. Sidearm quick sticks (100)
  2. Underhand with cradle (100)

Low to high or low to low – good for handling the ball on this plane while also learning how to catch this plane

  1. Underhand quick stick (100)
  2. Back side quick stick (100) (Female Players)

Use the back side of your stick and quick stick

  1. Behind the back (50)
  2. Fake behind the back into a regular pass (50)
  3. Fake High, Shoot Low

Fake high, then bounce pass (simulating a shot) to yourself – the shot isn’t the focus, but you fake it. If you do the fake right, the shot will take care of itself.

  1. Fake Low, Finish High (50)

Fake low, pop up, and pass to yourself (again simulating a shift).

  1. Now, put it in your left hand and repeat, but do the opposite of the above directions.